Thursday, May 5, 2011


So, what do you think would happen if I went and found an old shut down hospital.  Got the info I needed on it, and started having prescription drugs sen to me using that old hospitals info to get the drug?  You'd think I'd be in trouble of I was caught? Yeah, they'd put my or your ass in jail for that shit.  So tell me why then, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is allowed to get away with this shit?  Wat they're doing is they are using an old registration number from a prison hospital that was shut sown in 1983 to get the dope they needed to perform their lethal injections.  They"ve been using it for the last what 28 years?  Just to clarify that for ya"ll the Texas Department of Criminal Justice has been using drugs obtained ILLEGALLY to LEGALLY put people to death.  A couple hundred of them so far. Now tell me that's just fine. C'mon, that's fucking sick.  And this is pubic knowledge, at least one article about it has been published on the Internet.  So what gives?  Over 200 people will killed illegally by the State of Texas.  EVERY EXECUTED PERSON IN THE STATE OF TEXAS OVER THE LAST 3 DECADES was killed ILLEGALLY.  I think it's time to hold the state accountable don't you think?  So, what is to be done?  Fuck man, I am no legal expert, but one would think that every parent OR spouse of someone of the State of Texas has been murdered for the last 28 years could fie a civil law suit, for wrongful death, t the least.  The state needs to be held accountable.  Murder is illegal in the State of Texas, and it defined as the unlawful taking of a human life.  Taking the life of a person using unlawful mean is unlawful.
So lets hold these criminals accountable.  Get your emails going.  Contact family of the people Texas has killed.  Lets see if we can do something with this.  
This might be the best chance we have to see some real justice in the State of Texas.

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